Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Living stories production at the Independent Market in Frome

We are the Wednesday office group at Openstorytellers and we want to tell you about our latest venture. 

How did it start?  Simon, our director, set us a task like on "The Apprentice". He wanted us to design a t-shirt and decide on a business name (Living Stories Production) and then to sell the t-
shirts at our own market stall. 

Key words for our task were 'life' 'stories' 'fun' 'colourful' 'profit'. 

This was our first attempt at such a venture, to see how it went. It was a great success. We ran our stall on the 6th September 2015, at the Independent market in Frome. We sold organic cotton t-shirts with our own design. (see picture above) They were a bargain at £17 pounds and sold well. 

We are thinking of doing another market in December. Watch this space! T-shirts are also available at the OpenStorytellers office. Any future success will go to OST  funds.

What have we learned? to work as team, how to run a business, that work can be fun. 

It was hard work, but fun and a good team can make work seem easy.  

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic project and I love the t-shirts so much.I think this blog tells your story really well Mike & Charlotte, well done!
