Last Thursday Me and Openstorytellers went to Critchill school, My old school.
It was Me Katie and Robin and we told 'Uwunglema' and ' Anansi and the Tug of War'.
It has been a while since I left Critchill school. Storytelling at my old school has been something that I been wanting to do since I started storytelling for Openstorytellers. The children loved Both Stories we told.
When I left school I didn't know what was my future was going to be back then- one of the good things that came out of my life when I left school was being an entertainer for the public. Storytelling at Openstorytellers, performing at gigs and on facebook as BMB (dj and rapping name) and DJing with my crew 'Bass beatz' DJ crew, and every once a month doing theme nights DJing at loops dicso for learning disabled people.
I can't remember how I felt about drama at school but if I get the chance now I would do it again!
My achievements I'm proud of are street dancing, Drama, storytelling, rapping and creating my own lyrics, DJing.
If it wasn't for me getting involved in performing arts and doing gigs with my different groups and poeple I would't know where I would be today. Stress that builds on me during the day wears off after putting on a good show.
The person I am today would never have dreamed half of this would happen when I was at Critchill school.
Creating lyrics is a better way to express myself and help release anger and problems I have had running through my head. Stories I tell solo and with Openstorytellers helps with every day life and relate to things I do. I would love to do this for the rest of my life!
I love performing and have been doing it all my adult life and Iv'e reached my goal by going back to my old school- something I have been wanting to do for a while.
I love performing- It's my dream job!