Thursday, 22 November 2018

Upcoming event the Bardic chair

Hi all  we are  hosting a Bardic chair competition  at the Hub nub on Thursday 6th December.
This year is going to be a smaller event for  open storytellers and family to come along to support .
 If  you are interesting in telling a  story please contact our office so we know how many people  are telling . 

Best wishes

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Performance of Fanny Fust at Glen side Hospital Musem

On Monday 15th October  we  performed  Fanny  Fust  at Glenside  Hospital Museum  in  front of the  Misfits  and  other people.
Everybody enjoyed the performance  and asked questions  about  Fanny Fust. There were  about  35 people  came  to watch us at the performance.
 People said " I quite enjoyed the  enthusiasm and optimism that the actors showed, it added to the atmosphere and made it fun. I liked the creativity around the props, especially the wagon wheels.! Joshua
" Really good, the actors were really into it and really could tell they had practised a lot.! Chris
" They  put  heart  and souls  into it and it was very informative!' Heather
"I like that they had done so much research and it was interesting that Fanny might actually  have had  Downs Syndrome.! Dave

We are looking forward to taking  Fanny  Fust  out on tour to various places. I have enjoyed doing Fanny Fust


Katie Branch