Thursday, 1 February 2018

National Storytelling Week


Openstorytellers think stories are very important because they have a sparkle, and have character in them, and it makes us all very inspired. They are exciting to listen to, it changes our lives in the way we tell the stories, and it brings people from the outside inside to enjoy and listen to them all.


There are people from all over the world with thousands of stories, storytelling goes back to prehistoric times. People used their voices and gestures- its powerful, it makes people have visions and understand the outside world, it makes friendships and brings people together.


The stories are important to us it reflects on our disabilities and gives us a sparkle, and gets us out of our shells.


Stories are fun and exciting


Stories are important because it makes people realise that we all have stories to tell, which makes us who we are.


Stories are important because everyone has a story to tell and that it gives your sparkle a chance to shine.