Thursday, 8 December 2016

Christmas at Barrington court by Bradley

Open storytellers Performed  for members of the National Trust  at Barring ton court
on Saturday the 3rd of December.
 We did 2 performances- 4 shows. We did  Silent night twice, the boy and the dead wren, father Christmas and the little donkey.

A member of the audience was really interested in our storytelling work-
and said they learned more of Silent night  from watching us perform.
 They learned the story of silent night- the story behind the song.

with Silent night we used a kavad, an  Indian storytelling  storyboard box
to help the audience understand the story.

A Child  from the Audience was really interested helping opening and closing the doors on the kavad,
she was fascinated with the story board and Jem our group leader  let the child help him with the kavad.

Barrington court is a good place to perform  for shows and gigs like storytelling.
The storytelling group performed in the great hall at Barring ton court.
Last Christmas at Barrington court  with storytelling gig  the story we peformed,
 the  character role I was doing had a bit of street dancing role in the story.

The room is suitable for all shows and gigs and myself and other members of open storytellers have enjoyed previous storytelling gigs there in the great hall at Barrington court.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Important disability campaigner passes away

On the 20th August 2016 Lord Brian Rix died.
 He was 92 years old he was a disability campaigner.
Lord Rix's oldest daughter was born in 1951 with Downs syndrome. He had campaigned for disabled rights ever since.
He became a member of the House of lords and helped to change the laws to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
Image result for lord rixLord Rixs work was very important to Openstorytellers with his work as a campaigner .