Thursday, 11 February 2016

Presentation in Wiltshire by Katie

On  Friday 5th  February 2016 I went to Wiltshire Parents Carers Council with  Lara, Clemma, and Simon to do a joint  presentation.
We looked at different organisations stalls that  were promoting  their companies when we arrived. We saw the OST office staff  who were there speak to parents who may be instrested to sign up to any of our days services for their children and chat to us. Had a lovely buffet lunch provided by the WPCC.
Then  in the afternoon we did our presentation with me starting the introduction to the presentation. Then we showed 2 films about Storysharing and Hallsway Manor. We talked  about what  the organisation  does. I told them what we do at Office group and Storytelling group and answered questions, had a general chat with Simon about when I started OST and Clemma had a chat with Lara and the parents about what she does and how far she has come in OST.
We had question and answering time from the parents and Stuart said to everyone thank you OST for coming to do your presention you did a great job. I  really enjoyed it.
Then after presentation we went to say goodbye and chatted to everyone in the foyer, they were very pleased with what we did.
We had a great time  and felt pleased with ourselves .

Visit to Frome fm radio. by Robin.

On Thursday 28th January Robin,Tim and Simon  went to Frome fm's  'community open studios'
-There was a live show being presented with lots of different speakers talking about themselves and their groups.

It was so busy that we didn't get a chance to speak! But they were very friendly and showed us their schedules on the computer and how it works.

They were positive about us having a slot in the future talking about our artwork and storytelling, as well as all the other groups in Openstorytellers.

We are looking forward to keeping in touch with them.