Hi Everyone that went to the Children's Festival in Frome. Me and Katie really enjoyed the day, there was lots of stalls there like an ice-cream one and a music stand. At the Storytelling tent me and Katie performed, we both told stories like King of the Goblins, Jack and the Beanstalk, Silly Jack, and Jack and the Sunflower Seed. The stories went well and the children and parents all enjoyed it.
The weather that day was very hot, Cindy took some nice photo's, Jem our Tutor also told some amazing stories. We really enjoyed the whole day and I thought me and Katie did very well . There was lots more to see such as canoeing for adults and children. We hope everyone had a fun day at the Frome Children's Festival, it was a very enjoyable day.
Last weekend we all were invited to the Festival at the Edge in Shropshire.
We all told Ceridwen's Cauldron, Silly Jack and King of the Goblins. We also did a workshop, we all did very well.
We all enjoyed the Daniel Morden show he was fantastic. We saw some other great performances, like Anne Marie Krarup and Colum Sands. Everyone was fabulous, everyone was welcoming and friendly. The place was spectacular and we would like to go again. Because the people were just so great and we all enjoyed ourselves.