Thursday, 19 June 2014

Langport Festival by TIM and CLEMMA

On Monday 2nd of June 2014

As part of the Langport festival we went to Langport library, where we performed Ceridwens Cauldron and King of the Goblins. It was a great opportunity  to practice King of the Goblins which we are taking to Festival at the Edge in July. We did very well and we think the audience enjoyed it.

King of the Goblins

 Ceridwens Cauldron

Thursday, 12 June 2014


On Saturday we had a AGM and open day to show people what we do. After a picnic lunch we had taster sessions of our different groups, we had important guests especially our new Mayor of Frome.

 We had 2 different groups. the storytelling group  did a performance called the King of the Goblins which went very well, and after we got groups  and did a name game. We had to explain what the name game was all about and we all took turns in saying our name and doing a action. After that we did a mime game. Afterwards we had a  discussion. We enjoyed showing people what we do.

Making Connections group showed us what they do and showed us about the bus campaign they made there own games and showed us how to play them, then we had the Open Office and showed people around our office. Then we had tea and cake and watched our films of Silly Jack and Ceridwen's Cauldron. After we said goodbye to our Chair Nicola Grove and said Hello to our new Chair Tracy Rose. We gave Nicola some lovely flowers.