I loved drawing the pictures of people's memories, and setting them up on the morning of the exhibition. I really enjoyed getting involved in setting up the exhibition and was excited to see my pictures up at at last and helping to put Howard's video on the screen.
The Black Swan staff were very helpful and produced lovely food for the evening.
Great speeches were given by Brian, Blanche, Penny and Nicola at the official opening.
There were lovely pictures on display of Brian and Christine, former residents, and of Jean, a former member of staff. They and Vince and Ronnie and a nurse called Paul had contributed lots of memories and stories for this exhibition.
Lots of people came to the exhibition; they were interested and often deeply moved. The Mayor of Frome came too. Due to popular demand, we are hoping that the exhibition will return in January and that there will be special event around this time.
If you'd like to visit our web site, info@openstorytellers.org.uk, you can watch the film from this exhibition for yourselves.