Monday, 30 July 2012

Frome Festival Tim Lumley- Smith

on Monday the 9th July we took part in the Frome Festival .
It was good to do so people in Frome got to see us and became aware of us.
It was  an enjoyable day for me.  I think everyone enjoyed it.

This is a photo of our Business meeting on the last day of term.
This photo is of our volunteers holding their certificates

Monday, 23 July 2012

Volunteering Lucy Hayward

I work as a volunteer at Openstorytellers. I thouroughly enjoy my work as it is a stimulating environment with a creative framework for people with learning disabilities to develop their confidence and learn new skills.

I am priveleged as a volunteer to have the opportunity to feed into the creative loop of story telling whilst also learning more myself about how people with learning disabilities interact and develop their skills.

I am helping to encourage our trainees at Openstorytellers to develop a blog so that we can all stretch our creative skills further to share our experiences.

Good luck to everyone taking part!

My feedback on updownboy Katie Branch

Up down boy was about a boy whose mum encounraged him to go to college.The boy had down's syndrome his mum wanted him to have a job  and explore the world.She was putting pressure on him.

I feel i am in the same position as the boy about a decision ive made today.It  helped me to realise how important it  is to make  my own decision  and that the decision  is up to me.

Monday, 16 July 2012


  • To make up our tree
  • Misfits came
  • We performed our story
  • Asked the Misfits some questions on what they do as a job
  • We swoped some ideas.
I felt telling the story of Jackie and the sunflower seed went really well. And i thought the Misfits enjoyed it today,

I thought katy was good to bring in cakes for all the openstorytellers to share was good thanks to katy.

I thought the Misfits were a good Company
and i would like to see them perform there story.And like to see what they do as a group,

I thought we all Benefitted and really helped each other as a team.